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Apply for a Grant

Grant Application Process and Criteria

Methacton Education Foundation Grant Application Process

Fall 2024 dates


All staff are eligible to apply for a grant. Grant proposals must be consistent with the goals and mission of the Methacton Education Foundation. Proposals should enhance and expand enrichment opportunities for students in the Methacton School District


Your grant application will be scored on these factors:

  • Does your project fit MEF goals? MEF's mission is to provide extra funding for creative and exciting learning experiences that help all students learn and grow, including those who need extra support. Does your project do that?
  • Does your project meet a need in the schools? Show us how your project will help students and why it's important.
  • Will your project provide learning opportunities? Explain how your project will make learning more exciting and engaging for students.
  • Can your project continue in the future? We want projects that can keep going even after the grant money is used up.
  • Will your project make an impact? Tell us how your project will help students and how you will measure its success.
  • Can you track and measure your project's success? Have a plan to track your progress and show us the results.
  • Will your project be a good use of our limited funds? Do you gave a realistic budget and enough resources to make your project happen.
  • Will your project be a good investment? Show us that the grant money will be used effectively and make a real difference.

Best Practices:

  • Incorporate data-driven research in support of your project/idea and highlight its alignment with Pennsylvania State Standards.
  • Review the scoring rubric to understand how we evaluate your grants
  • Be specific on how you plan to report to MEF the success of your program

Application Process:

Please submit ideas by filling out the Grant Application on our website.

Application Review:  

  • Grantee submits an application.
  • The administration, principal, and funding committee review it.
  • If your application is approved, you might be asked to provide more information to complete the grant request. This could be to clarify certain aspects of your project or to provide more detail. Approval of application doesn't guarantee your grant will be funded.
  • Once follow up question are reviewed, the committee reviews your full application.
  • The committee votes to:
    • Approve your application as submitted.
    • Approve your application with revisions (you may also only receive partial funding).
    • Deny your application.


All applicants will be notified within the time frame specified in the attached Funding Cycle document. If a grant is denied for submission or approval during the Application Review Process, it will be returned to the applicant with pertinent notations and/or suggestions. If a grant should need immediate attention due to a time factor, please contact Donna Piergallini to discuss. Typically, out-of-cycle grant requests will not be fulfilled.

Grant Summary Requirements:

Once you've completed your grant project, you'll need to submit a summary report. Here's what it should include:

  • Project Overview: Describe the process and procedures you followed during your project.
  • Outcomes and Results: Explain the outcomes and results of your project. Be sure to include:
    • An assessment and evaluation of your S.M.A.R.T. goals.
    • The impact your project had on students, using both qualitative (descriptive) and quantitative (numerical) data.
  • Documentation: Include supporting materials that show how you used the grant funds, such as:
    • Photos
    • Videos
    • Newsletters
    • Notes from students or educators
  • Financial Reporting
    • You'll work with the business office to ensure accurate financial reporting and transactions related to your grant.

Grant summaries provide MEF with data that demonstrates the tangible impact of our donors' financial support. This reporting is crucial to securing future project funding. Failure to submit a summary may influence future funding decisions.


Please email Donna at

In addition, you can contact Stephanie Sawyer ( or your building principal to discuss your grant application idea and review the grant application process.